<aside> 📌 All-time collection of danmei zines, anthologies, artbooks, merch boxes and their pictures including the fandom, status, merch available, and language

Full zine bundle images included

Includes: link to zine's twitter/instagram account (twitter if both are present), status + links to the original posts & carrds (if they can be found)

Arranged zine names by alphabetical order

Only 'upcoming' and 'ongoing' zines will have status tags. Completed ones won't.


Status Categories :



<aside> 📎 Completed zines will have their pdfs linked (if they are provided) • Will also have a link to downloadable merch (if any)


<aside> 🐾 Made by @heixiuu (Twitter) • Link back to my carrdLink to my P4P Database

Last Updated: 16 July 2021


Danmei Projects Database